Future events in Ireland

If you wish to post an event on this page of interest to Drascombes please use the "contact us" facility on the left hand side of the page.

See also the events page on the Drascombe Association site

Launch DateDetailsContact Info 
Feb 21 '25RYA Dinghy Show, DA Muster
Save the dates - By special invitation DA will have an exhibit at the RYA Dinghy Show at Farnborough. This creates the possibility of a co-ordinated get together of DA fans for a jolly good chinwag. More to follow.
Steve Rowley
+44 (0) 7940 567309
I'm interested
Mar 16 '25DA AGM 2025
Save the date, Sunday 16th March, time tbc, to be held via Zoom. Members will need to register before the event and relevant documents will be posted on the members area of the DA Forum. Further details will be published on the DA website.
Dave Staniforth
I'm interested
Apr 01 '25Mayo Opportunity Grab
This date is just a placeholder to get the event on the 2025 Programme, specific dates will be chosen based on a suitable weather window. Blacksod, Broadhaven, Mullarany Bays and Iniskeas. Weather dependent, no dates, if interested contact John White on 00447918699033 to join a WhatsApp group. Liveaboard.
John White
I'm interested
May 09 '25L. Derg, Mountshannon, Clare.
Early season shakedown rally. Suitable for Smaller Drascombes (SSD). Land based overnight.
Roy Johnston
+353 87 238 5389
I'm interested
May 13 '25Kintyre Cruise 2025
UPDATED 13-JAN-25: See revised cruise details via the link in the title. Contact David directly for further information. While this trip is planned as a cruise in company it will only be suitable for experienced crews in properly equipped boats, i.e. with radio and navigation equipment and the ability to sail independently.
David Camlin
0044 (0) 28 9443 0966
I'm interested
May 15 '25Bere Island and Castletownbere cruise.
Drascombe members are invited to join the Dinghy Cruising Association (DCA) - Irish Section on their event to be held on Bantry Bay from 15th to 21st May, follow link in title for further details.
Chris van Schoor
+353 87 929 7071
I'm interested
May 26 '25Semaine du Golfe
13th edition of the Semaine du Golfe du Morbihan 2025. Monday 26th May to Sunday 1st June. Registration has now opened for anyone wishing to attend this event which is recognised as one of Europes most prestigious maritime heritage. See link in title. 2 Limerick boats attending, contact Donal for details.
Donal Cullinane
+353 86 251 9191
I'm interested
May 30 '25Cork Harbour
Based at Monkstown. Come along to Cork Harbour and enjoy some relaxed sailing - including shepherding paddling competitors in the Ocean to City race on Saturday 31st May. Full details closer to the event. SSD. Land based overnight.
Jack OKeeffe
+353 87 2663588
I'm interested
Jun 19 '25Kilmakilloge, Kenmare Bay, Kerry
We return to Helens Bar at Bunaw, Killmakillogue on the south shore of Kemare Bay, within day sail range of Sneem, Blackwater, Lehid Harbour and many sheltered bays. Sailing Friday, Saturday and Sunday. More details to follow closer to the event. Accommodation at Helens B&B has now been allocated, so look for other local options. SSD. Land based overnight.
Roy Johnston
+353 87 238 5389
I'm interested
Jul 01 '25Carlingford, Louth.
This timing is a placeholder to get it on the 2025 programme. Possibly tie in with R. Boyne cruise. Details and timing of a rally at Carlingford are in development. SSD. Land based overnight.
John White
+44 791 869 9033
I'm interested
Jul 11 '25R. Boyne cruise
Option to repeat the previous voyage up the river. SSD. Liveaboard. More details closer to the time.
Pat Jones
+353 87 289 6863
I'm interested
Jul 18 '25Strangford Lough, Down.
This timing is a placeholder to get it on the 2025 programme. Possibly tie in with R. Boyne cruise. Details & timing of a rally at Strangford are in development. SSD. Land based overnight.
David Walker
+44 7503 197307
I'm interested
Aug 05 '25Bantry, Cork.
Join in the Bantry Longboat Gathering, visit Whiddy Island, Glengarrif & other cruising attractions of upper Bantry Bay. SSD. Land based overnight.
Jack O’Keeffe
+353 87 266 3588
I'm interested
Aug 15 '25Kinvarra, Galway.
Return to the Cruinniú na mBád Festival for a 3rd year, based at Tarrea Pier as before. SSD. Land based overnight.
Pat Jones
+353 87 289 6863
I'm interested
Sep 12 '25L. Corrib, Mayo
Rally on the lake, launching at Lisloughrey Pier, Cong. SSD. Land based overnight. Full details closer to the event.
David Williams
+353 86 821 5502
I'm interested

Past Events

Launch DateDetailsContact Info 
Feb 17 '24Winter gathering - Ireland
We return to Poolbeg YC to enjoy their warm winter welcome, make and meet friends and give birth to dreams and plans for pleasure. The plan in to meet at the Ashling Hotel at noon and after a whatever your re having snack we walk the short distance to the original Asgard. We will then wend our way by Luas to the Dublinia offering, and thence to Poolbeg Yacht club. We will elect our next DA regional rep and then review our selection of events for the coming year. Parking is available near the Asgard, or at Ringsend and the Luas links our venues quite well. There will be a meal catered at PYC. We are looking forward to seeing you all!
Paddy Barry
+353 87 928 2393
Feb 25 '24DA International convention
54 participants chatted and socialised in the mShed for the day. Very pleasant - with a talk by William Hodshon about his circumanavigation of Britain by Wayfarer
Jack OKeeffe
May 04 '24Shannon Electric
Cancelled for this year
David Camlin
+44 7788 753666
May 10 '24Dungarvan rally
A follow up on the welcome we received last year at the end of the Copper Coast Cruise - Dates CONFIRMED. Early season shakedown rally, light on the sailing & good on the social with plenty of shore side options as well for non-sailing partners, children, etc. Suitable for Smaller Drascombes (SSD). Joining Instructions, Issue 1 are now available at the link above.
Roy Johnston
+353 87 2385389
May 23 '24Bere Island rally
Save the date for a DA raid on this beautiful island at the entrance to Bantry Bay. Comprehensive Joining Instructions now added at the link above.
Kim Roberts
+353 86 252 7758
May 25 '24Dublin Bay OGA regatta
Dublin Bay OGA are holding the annual regatta on Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th of May in Poolbeg Dublin. Racing in Dublin Bay on The Saturday and a parade of sail up the Liffey on Sunday. Food and entertainment provided. We would like to invite the Irish Drascombe Association to our regatta.
Michael Weed
May 27 '24OGA60 at Poolbeg
Dublin is the "Party Port" for us old gaffers end of May. Drascombe type boats especiallly welcome. Food on Friday and Saturday. Out into Dublin Bay on Saturday and upriver parade on Sunday. Trailer storage will be provided.
Jun 20 '24Baltimore rally
Welcome to Baltimore where we will celebrate 30 years of the Fastnet Drascombe Rally. Joining Instructions have been issued & are available via the link in the title, see some updates from previous years. Safe travels & see you all on the 19th.
Zita OReilly
+353 87 794 4804
Jun 22 '24Watersports Inclusion Games
Organised by Irish Sailing and hosted by Ramor Watersports Club on Lough Ramor, Virginia, County Cavan. Any Irish Drascombe members that are available & interested would be very welcome to participate in this event. Please contact Jane Carter, Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Officer, Irish Sailing.
Jane Carter,
087 932 7551
Jul 01 '24Solway Firth Raid
A liveaboard cruise to Solway Firth, from NI. See the preliminary briefing HERE
David Camlin
+44 7788 753666
Aug 02 '24Leader Cruise
2nd August on the Brixham Trawler LEADER: Poolbeg to Barrow-on-Furness to Belfast arriving on 8th August. Contact Myrddin for details of cost and conditions.
Myrddyn James
+44 7770 370300
Aug 11 '24East Galway Bay
Launch at Tarrea in Kinvarra Bay - lots of destinations - Islandeady, Crinniu na mBad, Morans of the Weir, and who knows maybe a diversion to Aran Islands before or after.
Kim Roberts
+353 86 252 7758
Aug 16 '24Strangford rally
CONFIRMED dates - 16th to 18th August 2024. Return to East Down YC for a weekend of days afloat and nights ashore with all services one might need. See attached Joining Instructions, please reach out to David if you have any questions.
David Walker
+44 750 319 7307
Aug 26 '24Wexford Harbour
We return to Wexford Harbour for a relaxing rally on the Slaney River and Estuary (with the possibility of extending the event to a coastal cruise along the east or south coasts). The event will be hosted by the Wexford Harbour Boat and Tennis Club, and run as a joint event with the Slaney Branch of the IWAI. Hardstand camping and motorhome facilities will be available at the club. This event was a great success when last held in 2017 (The Drascombe 30/50 Anniversary with the �Grand Fleet Rally), with 17 Drascombes boats, 5 Non-Drascombes, and over 40 participants.
John Tully
Sep 05 '24Lough Allen
On Lough Allen 8th to 10th of September after a feeder from Lough Key, launching at Doon shore on 5th where there are two piers and a slip with parking space. The Lough Allen rally will be based at the lough Allen centre where we can self-cater. Pitches at the centre �25 per night, use of the amenity �20 per boat. 6 bed rooms available @ �80 per room per night.
Miriam Sheerin
353 86 878 6643
Sep 13 '24Lough Erne
Addition of Lough Erne to the autumn cycle of lake rallies. We return to Lough Erne Yacht Club where we have received a wonderful welcome and great hospitality in the past - see the updated briefing note HERE . See also the details of the two feeder cruise in the week leading up to the rally.
David Camlin
+44 7788 753666
Dec 18 '24Southern Christmas Lunch
Christmas Lunch at Royal St George Yacht Club, meet at 12:30 for drinks, lunch served from 13:00.
Rupert Westrup
+353 86 861 1218
Feb 08 '25Irish Region 2025 Spring Reunion, Dun Laoghaire.
Lunch (soup and sandwiches) at Royal St George Yacht Club followed by a visit to the National Maritime Museum for a guided tour. Return to Yacht Club to discuss the sailing programme for 2025. See link in title for full details. Contact Rupert directly to order lunch & evening meal at the Yacht Club.
Rupert Westrup
+353 86 861 1218